Recent highlighted publications of SHAID Lab Members
Dietch, J.R., Douglas, M., & Kim, K. (published online ahead of print). Implicit and explicit stigma of chronotype in emerging adults. Behavioral Sleep Medicine. doi: 10.1080/15402002.2022.2032068.
Cassiello-Robbins, C., Dietch, J.R., Mochrie, K., Elbogen, E., & Rosenthal, M.Z. (published online ahead of print). When does modifying the protocol go too far? Considerations for implementing evidence-based treatment in practice. American Psychologist. doi: 10.1037/amp0000993.
Slavish, D.C., Contractor, A.A., Dietch, J.R., Messman, B.A., Lucke, H., Briggs, M., Thornton, J., Ruggero, C., Kelly, K., Kohut, M., & Taylor, D.J. (published online ahead of print). Characterizing patterns of nurses’ daily sleep health: A latent profile analysis. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine. doi: 10.1007/s12529-021-10048-4.
Slavish, D.C., Dietch, J.R., Kane, H.S., Messman, B.A., Garcia, O., Wiley, J.F., Yap, Y., Kelly, K., Ruggero, C., & Taylor, D.J. (2021). Daily stress and sleep associations vary by work schedule: A between- and within-person analysis in nurses. Journal of Sleep Research. doi: 10.1111/jsr.13506.
Dietch, J.R., & Taylor, D.J. (2021). Evaluation of the Consensus Sleep Diary: Comparison with single-channel EEG, actigraphy, and retrospective questionnaire. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 17(7), 1389-99. doi: 10.5664/jcsm.9200.
Garcia, O., Slavish, D.C., Dietch, J.R., Messman, B., Contractor, A., Haynes, P., Pruiksma, K.E., Kelly, K., Ruggero, C.J., & Taylor, D.J. (2021). What goes around comes around: Nightmares and daily stress are bidirectionally associated in nurses. Stress and Health. doi: 10.1002/smi.3048.
Messman, B.A., Slavish, D.C., Dietch, J.R., Jenkins, B.N., ten Brink, M., & Taylor, D.J. (2021). Associations between daily affect and sleep vary by assessment type: What can ambulatory EEG add to the picture? Sleep Health, 7(2), 219-28. doi: 10.1016/j.sleh.2020.11.009.
Taylor, D. J., Dietch, J. R., Pruiksma, K. E., Calhoun, C. D., Milanak, M. E., Wardle-Pinkston, S., Rheingold, A. A., Ruggiero, K. J., Bunnell, B. E., & Wilkerson, A. K. (2021). Developing and testing a web-based provider training for cognitive behavioral therapy of insomnia (CBT-I). Military Medicine, 186(Suppl 1). 30-2308. doi: 10.1093/milmed/usaa359.
Dietch, J.R., Taylor, D.J., Pruiksma, K., Wardle-Pinkston, S., Slavish, D.C., Messman, B.A., Estevez, R., Ruggero, C.J., & Kelly, K. (2020). The Nightmare Disorder Index: Development and initial validation in a sample of nurses. Sleep, 44(5), zsaa254. doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsaa254.
Slavish, D.C., Asbee, J., Veeramachaneni, K.,* Messman, B.,* Scott, B.,* Sin, N.L., Taylor, D.J. & Dietch, J.R. (2020). The cycle of daily stress and sleep: Sleep measurement matters. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, kaaa053. doi: 10.1093/abm/kaaa053.
Dietch, J.R., Sethi, K., Slavish, D.C., & Taylor, D.J. (2019). Validity of two retrospective questionnaire versions of the Consensus Sleep Diary: the whole week and split week Self-Assessment of Sleep Surveys. Sleep Medicine, 63, 127-136. doi: 10.1016/j.sleep.2019.05.015.
SHAID Lab News
SHAID in the News
12/5/2024 - Newsweek recently published the article “Loneliness Is Keeping Gen Z Awake at Night” based on research by SHAID Lab members Dr. Jessee Dietch, Dr. John Sy, and Ruth Brombach. You can read the article here.